Beautiful Celestial Body, The Moon
Buzz Aldrin's Photograph Of Two UFO's Watching Apollo 11 On The Moon June 1975 Issue
What Armstrong experienced that day on the moon
has been marked by controversy over a two minute period of radio silence that
surprised viewers and fueled many theories over what really happened. According
to alleged leaked government documents and photographs, Armstrong did not just
see the barren landscape televised to millions, but something much more
significant. According to NASA insiders and an alleged ham radio transmission
intercept, what Armstrong witnessed that day changed his life, and led to the
eventual abandonment of the manned lunar missions. According to alleged leaked
documents, two huge extraterrestrial spacecraft watched the Apollo 11 landing,
and observed the Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin moon walks.
During the Apollo 11 moon landing, there was a two minute period
of radio silence. According to NASA, the problem arose from one of two
television cameras overheating, thus disrupting the reception. What really
happened, according to various sources, was that Armstrong and Aldrin saw
something else watching them! According to Timothy Good, (1988) HAM radio
operators receiving the VHF signals transmitted from Apollo 11 to NASA’s
Houston headquarters, intercepted the following message which NASA screened
from the public in the missing two minutes:
Mission Control:
What's there ? Mission Control calling Apollo 11.
Apollo 11:
These babies are huge, sir … enormous….Oh, God, you wouldn't
believe it! I'm telling you there are other space craft out there… lined up
on the far side of the crater edge… they're on the moon watching us.
HAM operator’s radio intercept was widely dismissed by the media
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